Yellow When children draw sunshine and often smiley faces, they’re yellow. The color is associated with bright and cheery. The color also represents springtime and a sense of renewal. Therefore, it’s unsurprising that someone who saw yellow first in the personality test is considered or predicted to be optimistic. They’re passionate about life, living every day to the fullest and savoring each precious moment. Sadly, people with a negative perspective may be unable to spend time around someone with so much positivity.
Seeing a Third Hue
While those three colors might indicate some traits you possess, there’s a good chance you didn’t see only one color. Rather, it’s likely that you saw 2 or 3. If the second color you saw was either blue, brown, or green you’re likely to be dependable, causing those with questionable intentions to question yours.
The third Color Noted in the Personality Test
If you saw blue, brown, or green after noting 2 other colors, previously mentioned, you’re likely to be intellectual, intimidating others who may feel inept or ill-equipped.
Although this personality test is strictly for fun it’s a great way to pass the time when there may be a lull in the day. Perhaps, you’re struggling to get to sleep. Either way, it’s an entertaining source to kill some time. Check out a few other fun personality tests below.
Personality Test Indicates Priorities
Apparently, this personality test is based on which problem you tend to first. For example, the water kettle may represent one’s hot temper or passion. Therefore, if that’s the first problem in this picture you’d tackle, you’re likely to be easily annoyed or lash out at others. Conversely, you’re more likely to appreciate the beauty of situations and love others without inhibitions. Meanwhile, if you address the phone first, you’re likely “diplomatic,” professional, social, well-liked, or a great multitasker.
Furthermore, choosing the baby first signifies compassion, resourcefulness, and a sense of calm. Alternately, addressing the dog first most likely means you’re priority is cleanliness or organization, if not both.
In or Out
Purportedly, in this personality test, you’re deciding whether the man is inside or outside the house. For example, if he’s sitting inside, you likely avoid conflict, while you’re most likely determined and have a strong presence if you see him outside. Alternately, if you see him both inside and outside, you have a “think-outside-the-box” perspective. You’re creative and energetic, appreciating and thriving on life’s abundance.
While a personality test circulating the internet isn’t professionally backed, it’s still a fun way to pass the time. In contrast, medical professionals have a series of helpful personality tests to help you better understand if there are any underlying causes for concern.