Unexpected moments are everywhere. Whether you find lost items in surprising spots or have a restroom encounter with a wild bird, having your phone ready to capture these quirky experiences is essential. And if you come across something unexplainable, people on the Internet are always there to help you figure it out.
1. “My rice pointing upwards after cooking.”
“They’re not turning the heat to low/simmer after it starts boiling. When rice grains stand upright after cooking, it can be due to the type of rice, the amount of water used, or the cooking method. High-starch rice like short-grain varieties tend to stick together and stand up as they expand. Less water results in firmer rice, which might cause grains to stand, especially if the rice is undercooked and cools quickly, allowing the starch to set. This phenomenon is typically just a visual oddity and doesn’t affect the edibility of the rice. Adjusting the water-to-rice ratio or trying a different type of rice might change this effect.”
2. “Vial of liquid I found on the beach.”
“Nurse here. While that vial looks standard issue for many, many drugs, my best guess is that this is Humalog R. Insulin, which is a biological substance (hormone) that would rot and start to look like this relatively quickly. It’s supposed to remain refrigerated for long-term storage for this reason.”
3. “Black spiderwebs.”
4. “Noticed my pupils are two different sizes.”
Happened to me few times that noticed in front of the mirror. Eye doctor said should use my glasses more (even sometimes) or my eyes become tired and then this happens.